Qualler 40-36
Yeah yeah -- I don't have as many "cool" "intros" as "Chris" does. What have you, sons o'beeotches? Take this for a "photograph" to get you "interested" in this "psuedo-Blogulator post!"
Sadly, Hil' and gang don't appear on this list. But some other stuff does!40. "Fuck You, Elton John"Chin Up Chin UpChin Up Chin Up [Flameshovel]"condition yourself that your conscience is a cordless. tear down your heart and build up a fortress."Damn these guys can't sing worth crap. But that doesn't matter because HOLY CRAP they are TIIIIGHT. Chugging guitars that chime all over the place with like 17 different guitar parts going on that all seem to coincide. And crap they look hip as crap with jean jackets and while watching them live on a freakin' BED.39. "One Zero"Make BelieveShock of Being [Polyvinyl]"i'm making the bed with you in it. you need to incubate, just admit it."Mike Kinsella scares the bejesus out of me. That's why I've had a hard time getting fully into Joan of Arc, despite Chris' obnoxious late-night calls pleading with me to just give The Gap a try or seven. But I can definitely roll with his "new band" (in quotations because it's basically just tha' Arc with sped-up tempos) and their frantic drums/time signature changes.38. "Daft Punk is Playing At My House"LCD SoundsystemLCD Soundsystem [DFA/EMI]"i'll show you da ropes kid, show you da ropes."Don't believe that the indie crap is mainstream these days? Check this fun fact out: this here tune is the intro music for one Minnesota Twins sometimes-starting Shortstop, Jason Bartlett! Dude, the music guy at the Metrodome is totally into indie rock like LCD Soundsystem and Coldplay. Seriously, though, the LCD sets 'em up and knocks 'em down with this one.37. "Work and Winter"Meredith Bragg and The TerminalsVol. I [Kora]"smiling as i feel your breathing align -- it aligns with mine."First off, Meredith's a DUDE. Crazy, huh. Second, The Dude Named Meredith nails everything that Ben "Plans? I Thought Our Album Was Called Plants? Oh Well, Lets Go With The Cover Anyway" Gibbard got wrong with the latest Death Cab album. That is, somewhat corny but heartfelt and meaningful lyrics, delicate melodies, and all-around gorgeousness. Way to go, Meredith, the dude.36. "Black Grease"The Black AngelsThe Black Angels EP [Light in the Attic]"so just kill kill kill kill."What, STONER ROCK on the BLOGULATOR LIST? Wait, they're from Austin, TX, so it must be okay. Well, yeah, you're right. On paper, a slow, trodding song with echoey vocals repeating "kill kill kill" should be GARBAGE. But, kids, as Danny DeVito would say, it's all about the execution. The Black Angels can EXECUTE worth a thousand Danny DeVitos. YOUR TURN, CHRISTOPH.